Saturday, April 12, 2008

We are back!

Weeere Baaack! did you miss me? you couldn't have because I am posting on schedule! The wedding was beautiful - at the GA Calloway Gardens in a perfect cute little chapel hidden behind beautiful flowers and surrounded by a huge pond! it was small with only around 25 guests. it was the first wedding i have been to for a sit down dinner. the FOOD was delicious and way too much to even consume. first, the appetizers...fancy cheese, crab stuffed mushrooms, fancy 'cabobs and the like. then, salad, mango/raspberry sorbet, salmon & chicken with asparagus, carrots, and potatoes on the side, topped off with key lime pie AND wedding cake! OK, so i probably gained 10 lbs...but that's ok :) well, not really but it was worth it! open bar and a dj certainly added to the experience. she's married off now to a Doctor who will certainly take care of her. it was beautiful and i had the best time ever at such a personalized wedding.

i didn't even take pics with my camera because we had the photographer there and H's step dad who is crazy with taking pics so i figured we were covered. the photographer will have the pics on the web by wednesday of next week. i will be sure to show once they are ready.

on to the next detail of the day...

so H and I had a conversation on the way home from the wedding. randomly we were talking about cuddling while sleeping. i asked why it is that when a couple first gets together they can't keep their hands off of each other and want to snuggle 24/7 and talk to each other with every breath. then, later on it just fades emensely. for both girl and boy. of course, the answer is brain chemicals and human nature - but i was curious as to what he had to say....the verdict:

well, at first i was infatuated with I love you with my whole heart and would die for you...but i'm just not infatuated with you anymore.

compliment? or offense? lol. seriously. H is precious, and truely we are still very hands on and loving of each other. more so that I HAVE EVER been with anyone else at this point in the relationship...but still some things change a little. i just think its kind of funny of how it works....but deep down you always want your SO to be "infatuated" and I want to be "infatuated" with my SO but that just disappears and really can't be turned back. it's just kind of crazy. but that is what love is all about. it stays forever and grows stronger no matter what - and that in itself is a good feeling to know.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Sounds like y'all had an awesome time! : )

As far as loving and stuff. I know what you mean. I am really still all infatuated with Zack, always wanting to touchy feely and stuff. He on the other hand is now not. It's bad when one of you is that way and the other isn't, because you feel like you love that person more. I know that he loves me and that I love him, but I do miss the hands all over each other thing. ; )