Monday, April 14, 2008


i am back on a diet. it's that time again. i am trying the GM diet. this calls for certain foods on certain days. today was the first - and only fruits could be consumed. tomorrow is only veggies! i hope that this not only helps me lose water weight...but also gives my bod a good hug!

my cousin and i have found an awesome place to walk. it is a new track right up the road. it is nestled in woods, and has ups and downs. best of all, it is not in a circle! i love that.

i have been having weird moods here lately and it doesn't feel good. its almost like that 'am i in a dream?' feeling. i don't know how to get rid of it!

it's time again to boost and upgrade my resume! it's been so flippen long since i have even looked at it! i've just got to keep up with it though. so i am spending the rest of the evening boosting cool terms and formats to keep myself up to date.

i am finally well and feeling a ton better. it has been so nice just actually enjoying the day. i hate being sick!!! now i am back to normal :)

on to my resume! gotta get busy!

1 comment:

Joanna said...

I like walking in something other then a circle as well.

I need to get Zack to boost his resume, oh wait, I do it for him! Yea, I do. I guess I should pull his up and mess with it.