Monday, April 21, 2008

The Phone is Ringing: Need Advice

i need advice or an opinion. I am just totally frusterated right now. Like, for real. My BF always says "I'll have my phone, call me if you need me OK" Um. no. he will NOT answer. seriously. this has been going on for a few months now. i already know before i dial out that he is not going to answer. no ifs ands or buts about it. he just isn't gonna do it. whether he is at work, out with his friends, at the grocery store, on the other line with his mom, in the mornings, at night....whatEVER the case - he has started to not answer me.

amanda background:
I am not a pushy GF. I don't call a psycho amount of times. i don't hound him or set silly rules or anything. but sometimes i do want to talk to him - i may be on my lunchbreak or like 2 seconds before i started this blog (mind you i only tried him ONCE today and that was just while ago). to no surprise - no answer.

what is this? for real. why has he just quit taking my calls (for months now). quite frankly it makes me very angry. i really do want to laugh in his face whe he says please call me if you need me. LOL. that's all i feel like doing.

i don't even leave a vm anymore. and sometimes i literally throw the phone down because i hear that stupid voicemail message for the millionth time and it just irks me. the sound of the automated voice makes my toes curl. its sad when it gets to this point.

really? i don't think calling someone once a day is too intense. i KNOW i am not being silly on that part.

when he FINALLY calls me back i am going to let him know that this is silly and just for my own sanity...why do you not answer. am i bothering you? do we talk to much during the day (no because we only talk like 2 times for 10 minutes each)? do you just look at the phone, push silent, and then put it back in your pocket? what? what is the deal. he also needs to know that very soon i will quit calling all together - and i will quit picking up his phone calls. that will not be good. i can tell you that much.

any answers or opionions on what in the heck is up with this?


Joanna said...

My question is, have you said anything to him about this? I would have ask like a million times before now, but I am that psycho calling a million times woman! LOL. No, seriously, I am. But really, ask him why! Tell him the way it makes you feel. Ask him if he don't answer the phone when others call, his family for example! ; ) Then, do you always answer the phone when he calls? If so, just take one day and don't answer. See what he says.

Joanna said...

Zack's piece of opinion....He said that maybe you are calling at the wrong time...Like, he said that he can sit at his desk at work for 3 hours and me not call, but the second he gets up to go to the bathroom or the copy machine, I will call. Maybe that's whats happening!