Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Updates on what all is going on

Update on yesterday: today was definatly better (about the phone calls). I think I just was freaking out. I don't know why I get like that sometimes. I know everybody does. It's to the point where everything and anything can trigger a bad mood. And I also realized that I checked my missed calls from the week where H left a voice mail...it was more that 7!!! So......maybe I'm not being cool.

Update on extra income ideas: Tori and I walk everyday. Today we were talking about part time jobs and was tossing the idea around about teaching some cheernastics classes. I did that for years while I was in college and loved every minute of it. Except this time....we would be doing it on our own. This would mean a lot of things...taxes, equipments (a few mats...still about $800), possibly renting out a place or having to pay a percentage, insuarnce (would we have to pay or would we be covered by the business we are teaching at), prices, schedules, potential, etc etc etc! Who knows! I think it would be fun.

Update on Real Estate License: I really want it. Bad. However, it is just a little too risky right now in my life. I think that it would be something I could embrace if I had a hubby with a steady income or something like that. To make any type of deacent money doing real estate...you pretty much have to go in full-time. Plus, money actually has to be paid for a lot of things (advertising primarily). This is a bummer. If I just knew I could count on a salary of X amount and the rest commission - i would take a stab. Unfortuantly, I don't have a lot of room for risk. I think I am going to put the idea on hold. boo.

Update on Personal Trainer License: I think this is DEFINATLY feasable. How much fun would that be??? A ton. This is something that I could work at after work hours - and with experience earn $25-$30 an hour. And yes, I think Hoover is a place where I could earn that much. I could just go in after work and see what I could do. Still a lot of work to build clients though - but at worst I just wouldn't make any money. I wouldn't be going backwards like real estate.

Update on money: I just received my last quarterly bonus. They have taken that opportunity away at work (significant income). I am glad that we got it...but sad that we will not receive it each quarter. My only hope is that we will get a year end bonus equivilant or at least close. That hurt, took a chunk, and a dent in my financial ability right now. Its just frusterating being at a company at the time you are supposed to make some type of increase (even a little) not a decrease. This is happening to a lot of people though right now - I tell you it is not fun in the least.

Update on H: He is going to be moving into an apartment within the next 2 weeks. We are going to need to talk about spending time together during the week. It will be hard, but in a lot of ways I feel totally necessary. The weekend highs just can't be reality forever. We shall see. I'm excited really excited.

Update on diet: Not 100% sticking to a solid plan. I am just trying to incorporate more fruits and veggies, watch my portions, etc. Also walking 3 times a week. I am currently staying at the same weight - so that is good!

Update on health: I have warts that are growing around my fingernails! It is terrible! They hurt and they keep getting worse. I have now been to the dermatologist 4 times! I am getting shots (ouch) which are supposed to get rid of them, but it is not helping at all. The doc and I decided that yesterday was the last attempt as it will never work. Next shot will be FREEZING them.

I got these from biging my fingernails. They are very common in kids who bite the nail. It is so swollen because of the shots. AND the creams don't work either. I just thank god that the doc did not charge me anything for the last 2 visits! Yay! Oh, and he's cute - so that doesn't hurt a thing! If your chillin's bite their nails tell them to stop!

I'm glad it's about to be hump day! Yes!

1 comment:

Joanna said...

OH GOD! I bite my nails! I can't see getting warts, so I have to STOP! Kayla will have to be told as well! Weight, at least your not gaining! : ) I think you could earn that in Hoover, easily! I do hope that you and H get to spend lot's of extra time together. That cheernastics sounds like an awesome idea. Y'all would have tons of fun. It would be costly to start, but I think ya'll would make it all back. It's a risk. Yea, you need a solid income for the real estate bit. When you get married look into it. Bonus...Your lucky you were getting one. Zack has NEVER gotten one. It's just something that his company doesn't do. They have a stingy president that needs to pay his yacht!! You weren't freaking out about the phone thing. It's really all triggered from the lack of time spent together. Totally foreseeable.