Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Shout Out to Jo-Jo

THANK YOU JOANNA for designing my blog! It looks great! As does my Wedding Tale blog! I couldn't believe how quick and cute they turned out! Everyone needs one - no doubt!

No Title - Same ole rant

I told H tonight that I didn't like the idea that he was going to the bachleor party to the beach this weekend because I am stressed out. He is still going - and promised not to worry because they are in the middle of nowhere and they are just going to be on the beach *drinking* all day. I don't guess I can tell him what to do or tell him not to go.

I still don't think he fully understands that my feelings are really hurt. He will be in his apartment next week and I will be able to see him more.

This next year can not be like it was last year. We both are going to have to make an effort to be together more during the week. There won't be excuses this time.

I don't like the distance. I mean, I do like doing my own thing, but it is just not healthy for someone who is trying to maintain a serious relationship. So, we will have to make an effort. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

As Emeril would say..."BAAM"

*Slap on the hand*

I have not felt like blogging in the last few days. this whole relationship situation has totally racked my brain. i am lost as to what is going on this week. i am trying to be civil, hold my emotions back, and be a good person AND ultimatly make good decisions for myself.

addition to my drama: so, those who have heard the story....after a week of my distress - deciding to "get over it" and be nice, i receive confirmation news from the BF.

background: several weeks ago H said that he would be going to the beach with his frat buddies from college (some engaged, some married, some single) and they would be staying with a friend. it would be a weekend excursion to get away. i did not put up a fight - he has a life too, and i understand. if i opposed, i wouldn't be able to go to the beach with my friends if the opportunity came up...

after a week of me - stressing totally out - H tells me today that he will be going to the beach. the newest news is that he only told them he wouldn't be able to make it because

1. he may have to move into his apt over the weekend
2. if they had strippers he would not go

why are strippers apart of this anyway? he proceeds to tell me this is kind of the 'bachlor' party for 2 of the guys going! hmmmm, not cool.

this is the time i would hope that he would be concerned about us re-uniting and working out this issue...or, since i did tell him i don't know what he can do right now to make it better - at least NOT go to the beach, and try to spend some time with me! hello!

i know that men are from mars, women from venus...but really? you know better.

why should i be the moral police of his best decisions. he hasn't had trouble yet making them on his own (well, except months and months of doing something i oppose of). humph.

am i really going to have to request tonight that he cancel his plans with his friends to spend time with me because this IS NOT THE TIME to trapse away to a bachlor party while i am still in shock and this relationship has been put into a whole new perspective.

the stragest is this is new behavior for us. what up?

all i know is that i can't hold up for months at a time in the state of mind. i feel like i am the one being punished and i haven't even done anything wrong....

So, as the title shows as Emeril would say..."BAAM" in my face for no reason.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Dazed & Confused

Whoa. it has been a weird last few days. i am still not sure what in the heck is going on. i haven't felt like blogging but i am back in action.

without going into too much detail: i have found out the the BF has been hiding something from me for 2 years...and when confronted about it...he lies to my face all because it is "relative and not a big deal b/c it wasn't affecting our relationship." He confesses after 24 hours.

last night he asked are we breaking up or are we going to work this out. and asked what can he do to make this right. well, i really don't know. truly what is done is done and it is in my hands now to make a decision. i don't know how to fix this - or what to do, he does know that i am pissed however. but how long can i hash this issue or be totally mad and still be with him?

it freaks me out still. but i didn't break up with him. we went out to eat last night came how and fell asleep. i had to paint a smile on because it would have been pointless to contine to want to cuss him out.

i love him dearly - but we are on 2 different levels about a lot of things.

how can we bring ourselves together, communicate effective, and work through this?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Updates on what all is going on

Update on yesterday: today was definatly better (about the phone calls). I think I just was freaking out. I don't know why I get like that sometimes. I know everybody does. It's to the point where everything and anything can trigger a bad mood. And I also realized that I checked my missed calls from the week where H left a voice was more that 7!!! So......maybe I'm not being cool.

Update on extra income ideas: Tori and I walk everyday. Today we were talking about part time jobs and was tossing the idea around about teaching some cheernastics classes. I did that for years while I was in college and loved every minute of it. Except this time....we would be doing it on our own. This would mean a lot of things...taxes, equipments (a few mats...still about $800), possibly renting out a place or having to pay a percentage, insuarnce (would we have to pay or would we be covered by the business we are teaching at), prices, schedules, potential, etc etc etc! Who knows! I think it would be fun.

Update on Real Estate License: I really want it. Bad. However, it is just a little too risky right now in my life. I think that it would be something I could embrace if I had a hubby with a steady income or something like that. To make any type of deacent money doing real pretty much have to go in full-time. Plus, money actually has to be paid for a lot of things (advertising primarily). This is a bummer. If I just knew I could count on a salary of X amount and the rest commission - i would take a stab. Unfortuantly, I don't have a lot of room for risk. I think I am going to put the idea on hold. boo.

Update on Personal Trainer License: I think this is DEFINATLY feasable. How much fun would that be??? A ton. This is something that I could work at after work hours - and with experience earn $25-$30 an hour. And yes, I think Hoover is a place where I could earn that much. I could just go in after work and see what I could do. Still a lot of work to build clients though - but at worst I just wouldn't make any money. I wouldn't be going backwards like real estate.

Update on money: I just received my last quarterly bonus. They have taken that opportunity away at work (significant income). I am glad that we got it...but sad that we will not receive it each quarter. My only hope is that we will get a year end bonus equivilant or at least close. That hurt, took a chunk, and a dent in my financial ability right now. Its just frusterating being at a company at the time you are supposed to make some type of increase (even a little) not a decrease. This is happening to a lot of people though right now - I tell you it is not fun in the least.

Update on H: He is going to be moving into an apartment within the next 2 weeks. We are going to need to talk about spending time together during the week. It will be hard, but in a lot of ways I feel totally necessary. The weekend highs just can't be reality forever. We shall see. I'm excited really excited.

Update on diet: Not 100% sticking to a solid plan. I am just trying to incorporate more fruits and veggies, watch my portions, etc. Also walking 3 times a week. I am currently staying at the same weight - so that is good!

Update on health: I have warts that are growing around my fingernails! It is terrible! They hurt and they keep getting worse. I have now been to the dermatologist 4 times! I am getting shots (ouch) which are supposed to get rid of them, but it is not helping at all. The doc and I decided that yesterday was the last attempt as it will never work. Next shot will be FREEZING them.

I got these from biging my fingernails. They are very common in kids who bite the nail. It is so swollen because of the shots. AND the creams don't work either. I just thank god that the doc did not charge me anything for the last 2 visits! Yay! Oh, and he's cute - so that doesn't hurt a thing! If your chillin's bite their nails tell them to stop!

I'm glad it's about to be hump day! Yes!

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Phone is Ringing: Need Advice

i need advice or an opinion. I am just totally frusterated right now. Like, for real. My BF always says "I'll have my phone, call me if you need me OK" Um. no. he will NOT answer. seriously. this has been going on for a few months now. i already know before i dial out that he is not going to answer. no ifs ands or buts about it. he just isn't gonna do it. whether he is at work, out with his friends, at the grocery store, on the other line with his mom, in the mornings, at night....whatEVER the case - he has started to not answer me.

amanda background:
I am not a pushy GF. I don't call a psycho amount of times. i don't hound him or set silly rules or anything. but sometimes i do want to talk to him - i may be on my lunchbreak or like 2 seconds before i started this blog (mind you i only tried him ONCE today and that was just while ago). to no surprise - no answer.

what is this? for real. why has he just quit taking my calls (for months now). quite frankly it makes me very angry. i really do want to laugh in his face whe he says please call me if you need me. LOL. that's all i feel like doing.

i don't even leave a vm anymore. and sometimes i literally throw the phone down because i hear that stupid voicemail message for the millionth time and it just irks me. the sound of the automated voice makes my toes curl. its sad when it gets to this point.

really? i don't think calling someone once a day is too intense. i KNOW i am not being silly on that part.

when he FINALLY calls me back i am going to let him know that this is silly and just for my own sanity...why do you not answer. am i bothering you? do we talk to much during the day (no because we only talk like 2 times for 10 minutes each)? do you just look at the phone, push silent, and then put it back in your pocket? what? what is the deal. he also needs to know that very soon i will quit calling all together - and i will quit picking up his phone calls. that will not be good. i can tell you that much.

any answers or opionions on what in the heck is up with this?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Real Estate

So, I know that I threw out there a few weeks ago that I wanted to become a personal trainer. Well, that has now changed. I am looking into getting my Alabama Real Estate license. I am reading out requirements, qualifications, legalities, etc. I am pretty excited about this. I think that real estate can be very lucrative. It wouldn't be my only way out - but I think I would really enjoy it. It will definatly be a back-up doubt! A lady we know from here sold 11 houses already this year!!! It is the time to buy and sell though. I don't know how much it will cost to take the online courses...but that will be something to find out. I'm excited :)

Stay-at-Home Date: Holder & Amanda Style

Last night we decided to stay in and cook Italian. H & I love to cook together. It never fails that a few dances will break out in the middle of the kitchen too! It was a ton of fun - not to mention a dinner a restaurant couldn't even dream about creating & leftovers to die for!!!

Now for the Recipe of the week!!!
Lover's Artichoke Heart Pasta

What you will need:

  • 1 bag pasta noodles
  • 2 cans artichoke hearts
  • 1 can of romano olives
  • 2 cans alfredo sauce
  • sundried tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp miced garlic
  • 2 tbsp pesto


on med-hi heat dump atrichoke hearts, olives, sundried tomatoes, pesto, garlic & alfredo sauce. cook until tender. while heating - cook noodles as directed on package. drain, add, & stir to pot!


pinch off each bite of Italian loaf of bread and dip into sauce. Sauce: olive oil and pesto - mix.


Spring Mix lettuce, red onions, olives, salad toppings, and crutons. Add Raspberry Vinegarette dressing!


Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Weekend...YAY!

I have finally let the weekend chill me out. It is nice. We are going out to eat tonight - and I get to pick where we go! YAY! I would like to say that I will pick Italian...but I always pick Italian. Maybe I am feeling something else tonight.

No matter where we go, I will search the menu online prior to heading out - I want to know the calories, fat, and carbs before partaking.

I bought the book "Eat this, Not that" and it has been eye-opening. It is the greatest reference I have found yet. It is not a diet book - but shows what to eat (from the grocery store, and from restaurants) as a healthy alternative.

My GM diet only lasted 3 days. It made me very weak, so I just couldn't go on. Now I will just have to make healthier choices.


I am going to get the pool going tomorrow. It has a LOT of work to be done to it before we can get in. Its getting hot and I want to be able to swim and lay out!

I also plan on relaxing, picking out paint for my room, and planting flowers in the flower pots by the pool :)

A lot to do tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Banana Boat Sun Dial Tanner

Self tanner is rocking my sox. I decided to slather up before bed time. this brand does not...and i repeat, does not leave streaks. it is the perfect tan and lasts for about 3 days! i have tried almost every brand imaginable over the years and i have found the best!

the thought of becoming a leathery lizard in my older years has made me re-think sun bathing. yes i do love being in the sun and having a tan - but it is just SO bad for you. i have finally found my new love! it comes in both dark & light skin tones. you can choose the color you want from the dial at the top - so don't be afraid!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

'lil ole me.

Stagnant. That's what my life is feeling like right now. I guess here lately I have just been coming to the blog to relieve what's on my mind. Nothing is moving forward. There are no opportunities. My love life, spiritual life, and work life is at a stand still. And I mean still. I would think that this would be a nice breeze - as everything has finally slowed down. But it has always seemed to be such a whirl wind that this is not a comfort zone for me. I need something else...something more.

I try to think all day what I can do to change this...but nothing comes to mind. And I mean nothing. I want to come up with some miraculous plan - and nothing happens. I feel like it is just lil' ol me. Well, now that I think about is just 'lil ol me.


My positive attitude a few weeks ago is at a fast decline. Roller-coaster fast. Just like when you top the big hill. You have just enough time to look around, take a breath, and then down you go! That's me.

What can I do to help myself. I need you to help me, help me.

Oh, I am partially done with my resume. I did NOT like the resume I have done some constructing of my own. I like the format better at least. Now I just have to start from my old resume is a gonner. Is that how you spell gone-er?

So, now I am plugging in skills that I have learned over the years. You would think that I would have gained some type of experience....I mean, I have had a steady job since I was now I am going on 9 years of some type of work.

Maybe that's why such a burn out and stagnation in my life. I need a vacation...and I mean a 6 month vacation.

Monday, April 14, 2008


i am back on a diet. it's that time again. i am trying the GM diet. this calls for certain foods on certain days. today was the first - and only fruits could be consumed. tomorrow is only veggies! i hope that this not only helps me lose water weight...but also gives my bod a good hug!

my cousin and i have found an awesome place to walk. it is a new track right up the road. it is nestled in woods, and has ups and downs. best of all, it is not in a circle! i love that.

i have been having weird moods here lately and it doesn't feel good. its almost like that 'am i in a dream?' feeling. i don't know how to get rid of it!

it's time again to boost and upgrade my resume! it's been so flippen long since i have even looked at it! i've just got to keep up with it though. so i am spending the rest of the evening boosting cool terms and formats to keep myself up to date.

i am finally well and feeling a ton better. it has been so nice just actually enjoying the day. i hate being sick!!! now i am back to normal :)

on to my resume! gotta get busy!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

ROTH: Grilled Apples

i am thinking about posting a receipe of the week (ROTH). i think it will be fun to find and try some new things. today's menu:

Grilled Apples
What You Need
-4 tart apples (granny smith or macintosh)
-1/4 heaping cup chopped walnuts or pecans
-1/4 light brown sugar - packed
-2 heaping tbsp raisins
-1 tbsp cinnamon
-1/4 tsp ground allspice
-2 tbsp butter
-2 tbsp apple brandy or rum (optional)
-vanilla ice cream or sweetend whip cream (optional)
-Core apples and place on buttered 9in square aluminum foil
-mix walnuts/peacns, brown sugar, raisins, cinnamon & allspice; divide mixture equally among apples - placing into their hallowed centers. top each with a half tbsp of butter. fold edges up the edges of the foil around the apples to make a tight package
-Prepare a medium fire on grill
-Grill 20-35 minutes until tender when pierced with fork
-Remove from foil and pour toppers on top (optional)
this could be done as well in the oven!

We are back!

Weeere Baaack! did you miss me? you couldn't have because I am posting on schedule! The wedding was beautiful - at the GA Calloway Gardens in a perfect cute little chapel hidden behind beautiful flowers and surrounded by a huge pond! it was small with only around 25 guests. it was the first wedding i have been to for a sit down dinner. the FOOD was delicious and way too much to even consume. first, the appetizers...fancy cheese, crab stuffed mushrooms, fancy 'cabobs and the like. then, salad, mango/raspberry sorbet, salmon & chicken with asparagus, carrots, and potatoes on the side, topped off with key lime pie AND wedding cake! OK, so i probably gained 10 lbs...but that's ok :) well, not really but it was worth it! open bar and a dj certainly added to the experience. she's married off now to a Doctor who will certainly take care of her. it was beautiful and i had the best time ever at such a personalized wedding.

i didn't even take pics with my camera because we had the photographer there and H's step dad who is crazy with taking pics so i figured we were covered. the photographer will have the pics on the web by wednesday of next week. i will be sure to show once they are ready.

on to the next detail of the day...

so H and I had a conversation on the way home from the wedding. randomly we were talking about cuddling while sleeping. i asked why it is that when a couple first gets together they can't keep their hands off of each other and want to snuggle 24/7 and talk to each other with every breath. then, later on it just fades emensely. for both girl and boy. of course, the answer is brain chemicals and human nature - but i was curious as to what he had to say....the verdict:

well, at first i was infatuated with I love you with my whole heart and would die for you...but i'm just not infatuated with you anymore.

compliment? or offense? lol. seriously. H is precious, and truely we are still very hands on and loving of each other. more so that I HAVE EVER been with anyone else at this point in the relationship...but still some things change a little. i just think its kind of funny of how it works....but deep down you always want your SO to be "infatuated" and I want to be "infatuated" with my SO but that just disappears and really can't be turned back. it's just kind of crazy. but that is what love is all about. it stays forever and grows stronger no matter what - and that in itself is a good feeling to know.

Friday, April 11, 2008

we are off!

and we are off! H is on his way and we are heading to Georgia! It will be nice to get out of state *even if it isn't far* for a day! I'm packed up, slathered up, and snotted up. I still don't feel 100% which sux. BUT at least a little better.

So that's my farewell - have a good day!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I've been Slackin'

this is the longest i have been without posting since becoming a regular. sickness has taken over my body this week & i was only able to work one full day. we are leaving for GA tomorrow for the wedding.

i finally found a dress after a solid week of trying to find a dress to cover the sunburn. i have probably tried on 50 dresses in two days. none of which i remotely liked. i wanted black - but ended up with brown. it is a 2 piece jacket and skirt....also some new funky shoes :) It is not as dressy as i wanted, but i literally COULD NOT find anything else. its still cute - and honestly something i could wear to church and work so it is not a waste of money.

i watched I am Legend while ago! OMG i am so freaked out. now i am home alone and scared. i keep hearing things!!! i don't like it - but the move really was awesome. i haven't stayed awake during a movie in 6 months!

So...i have really had some emotional issues going on over the last few days. too many surprises at work - regarding pay and the like, relationship questions, future questions, career questions and the list could roll on. but this is not new news to my growing pains blog. i am still in the process of 'trying to figure it all out' with nowhere to start. i don't like it and i just wish i knew what to do next!!!!!????!!!!!!! we shall see :) maybe i will have a cool update when the time comes for a change.
also i am going to join a gym i think. i would like to get back involved in aerobics and ideally receive certification and qualification to teach my own classes. first i must get in shape before i even try to teach an aerobics class! i think this will be a good way to make a little extra cash, stay in shape, and motivate me to do activities that i love. so i am excited about this!
i still haven't packed. i think i will just procrastinate until tomorrow - seeing that it is almost 10:30 and i am exhausted!
anyhoo - i will be out for the weekend but will return with updates! have a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I just have to post...

My youngest baby cousin IS ENGAGED!!! Yes, engaged. Tori is getting married!!!!!!!!!

What is going on???? This is crazy. I am very excited for her. She is only 17 now and we are planning her wedding. She just told me this afternoon (it happened Sunday). The sad thing is she said "you are gonna be mad at me" and I was like "for what, what could I be mad at?" Then she told me she was engaged and I didn't believe her. She thought that I would be made because she knows how much I want to be engaged. That is beside the point and silly because i am very happy for them.

We are going to pick up her ring tomorrow because it is being sized right now. her parents won't even let her drive to the mall to pick it up because they are afraid of her driving by herself. lol that is too funny because she is engaged and can't even drive there! so i wanted her to be able to wear it NOW because that is just uncool to have to wait until the weekend.

it is on the hush because she does not want to spoil the hoop-la for her brother and his bride to be. they are getting married next month...

So, now wade and tori are getting married. me and jacob are just holding it down. what's wrong with us lol.

but, i am already having fun. we've been talking about everything she has to do, picking out colors (pink) looking at dresses, setting her budget, talking about pre-wed parties yadda yadda yadda!

this will be some fun!


Sickness Update

I was hoping for a miracle. I wanted to be 100% today. Unfortunatly, being sick does not just disappear in 24 hours. I took off of work today to catch up on rest. I still thought it would be a good idea to go shopping for something to cover my shoulders or a new wedding dress for the BF's sisters wedding this weekend. This sunburn is terrible, and no way will the tan lines and burn be gone by Friday. I made it all the way to town...and (TMI) had full side effects of this antibotic I am taking (bathroom...b.a.d) I had to find a bathroom asap which I hate in public. Then, I had to turn around and come home. Not cool. So here I am trying to fill my tummy with food and getting rest like I should be doing anyways.

Lunch Menu

Leftover steak *yum*
Lays origional potato chips
Homemade steak sauce

I like to save money where ever possible. I find it rediculious that A1 sauce is $3-$4 a bottle. I make my own - although I don't have exact measurements here it is:

Katsup - bulk of sauce
Dales/Moores - to thin (you will know when ready by the color and thickness)
Worcestershire - 2 dashes
Mix well and enjoy!
Wa La....A1 Steaksauce.

Weekend Recap

As posted before, we had a busy productive weekend. Still there was time for a little fun.

Better work on that poker face!

Sunglasses will help hide a fake

Determined to grill in the rain!

That's about it! Now I am bored out of my mind and don't feel like doing anything! H.E.L.P!

Monday, April 7, 2008


Euuuuuughhhhhhh....I am sick....I think it's bronchitis. H had it last week...and now I have it. Which - it is contagious. I just barely made it through work today and not getting much done. I have chills, can't breathe, not hungry, achy...YUCKY YUCKY YUCKY.

I am going to take a menthol bath right after this post. So, I lucked up and found antibiotics prescription that my Doc prescribed in October. The pharmascist honored it thank the LORD. I then purchased Mucinex (EXPENSIVE) and AFRIN. So I am pretty much cracked out right now. I don't even have the strength to make it up the stairs. I am by myself too, which makes matters worse. I am not going to work tomorrow. I am going to rest.

This sucks. I can't do anything - and I don't even want to watch T.V. but I guess that is all there is to do. I just hope I feel better tomorrow. I will get plenty of rest tonight and be up and at 'em soon. Or at least I hope...

Blogger Image HTML Table

For my own sake...I can never find this HTML code when I search...and I need it every day for my other blog:

This is the HTML/CSS table to add pictures side by side & the only way to publish without a huge empty space above.

Also, under settings -> Formatting -> Set line breaks to "NO" should help too!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Dirt Under My Green Thumb

Today was a yard workday for me and my BF. We completed pressure washing the deck - which now looks 100% better, refigured the stepping stones, added pebbles and walls around the picnic table, cleaned up the trash in the yard, cut grass, and pulled up all the weeds. OMG I am so sore and sun burned! A little excited about being sunburned only because this is the first time of the year. I hope it will brown soon for H's sister's wedding this upcomming weekend!

I actually enjoyed yardwork today because me and my BF always have a good time when any type of work is involved. We both find satisfaction in seeing progress & we like having productive weekends - so this was up our alley. The hot tub is completely cleaned, full, and the temp is perfect. We will be dipping in shortly! But first we are grilling hot wings & corn on the cob with a little cheesy tater tot on the side! Yum.

I think I will be in bed by 9 tonight. I can already feel my eyelids trying to shut. I'm not used to all this manual labor!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Yard Work

I've been doing yardwork all day in the rain! Yuck. I have mud from head to toe and I just gotta get a bath. It is so dreary but I just had to clean up. It was looking like the landfill. H and I began pressure washing the pool deck. I don't think it has had pressure washing since it was built some odd 10-12 years ago! I got half way done today! YAY for me! I will be able to finish it tomorrow. I just hope the sun decides to shine.

The weekend just goes by way too fast. My Saturday is almost gone. All there is to do now is eat supper and watch a movie (Ocean's 13), and go to bed. Then Monday will be on it's way again. I will have a short work week though. We will leave Friday for Georgia for H's sister's wedding! I think it will be fun. Back to a former post of mine, I have decided to wear the black dress with the black shoes. I wore it to my friends wedding last weekend and I liked it a lot. I acutally took the brown lampshade dress back. Um, I needed the money more than I needed that dress!

Not much else has been rocking...just the usual stuff. Now, I am off to the grocery store in my PJ's!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

"Bug" a Boo

Spring is in the air....literally. I know it's that time of year when two willowflies are mating on the door of my fridge as I hear hundreds of hard-back beetles trying to get to my kitchen light (this is actually going on right now as I type). It sounds like a thunderstorm. AND I just saw my first lightning bug outside a few minutes ago! Warm weather is here folks!

This should do just fine with my recently purchased bug themed checks for my checkbook :)

As I said yesterday, my cousin and I had our very own redneck painting night in my kitchen. Dinner was boiled eggs with salt and pepper, a coors light, and lots of fun!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sunshine at work? What?!

Yes! I got a window seat at work today. I moved seating arrangements and am now looking outside. Seems so silly I know, but I don't get to see sunshine unless it is on my lunchbreak! I am so excited and I am actually a little pumped about work tomorrow!!! I love the people I am sitting around too - and the girl I sit next to is newly married to a Med Student (maybe like me one day) who is already more than happy to share advice to me :) I am happy.

My cousin and I decided to paint tonight. Oh yes, redneck style. A fun time = a pull down shade from Fred's, paint & paint brushes, booty dancing music, and boiled eggs. A night of pure ectasy! Pics to follow later - It's getting late and I gotta get up at the crack! Blogger uploads take too long sometimes.

H is supposed to sign a lease with the new apt soon! I am so excited. I get to see him now more during the week. AND it will be closer (way closer) to work and I will save on gas! Ahhh, a year's wait...nothin' like it. I hope it comes through! :) More later!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Discovery #1: Naked Juice

Not your first thought. The motto of the brand is "Fruit you Drink" in which all of their juices and smoothies have no added sugars and preservatives. They squeeze a pound of fruit into one drink! Yum! They have many flavors to choose from and the reviews show that this product is truly delicious. I have not had the pleasure yet to find or taste, but as soon as I see it, I will be sure to grab and go!

Discovery #2: I hate pre-paying for gas. Really, I hate paying cash for anything. I am on a cash budget for this week. I HAVE to put back X amount every month. It is a goal and I can't break it. The only way I know to do so is by using cash so I can see every green and to know that when that is's gone. I pre-paid $10.00 (mind you I put in $15 yesterday) for my regular $3.19 gallon of gas. It was so inconvenient for me to walk into the store, wait in line, pay, pump, and then go. Yuk. I'm such a baby when it comes to stuff like that. I already hate pumping gas, so this didn't make it any better. But I still have some green to last me until Friday. If this system works....and I do finally have my set savings goal, I will continue to use cash on a weekly basis. So far.... so good!

Discovery #3: Um, speaking of naked...I got dressed this morning, went to work, came home, and changed to something more comfy. To my discovery....the whole front material under the elastic band of my undies had completely came loose! How in the world did this happen and how in the world did I not know about this? I still can't figure it out....

Discovery #4: I owe on my taxes. No joke. After the thousandS and thousandS of dollars already paid...I owe (state). For what? I am so livid about this that I don't even know what to say. I know that people don't get what they expect back, but my gosh...there has GOT to be a way around this and to at least get more back. It just isn't just isn't. I am going to speak to a tax advisor soon to tell me what to do so that I get the crazy-top amount back and fo' sho' not owe a dime next year. I don't care if I am single or not....I want my money. That's not too much to ask.