Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I want to kiss whoever discovered the "Dollar Menu"

Can you guess what this is? This is my lunch. E-v-ery day. Some think it is strange that I eat a snack wrap *grilled w/ honey mustard* for lunch. C'mon it's just $1 and it's not that bad. Admitting that it is delicious is a little far-fetched. But, my savings account thanks me for it. A weeks worth of lunch is $5 opposed to $24 for ordering a combo of McDonalds menu. AND the saved calories. Some laugh, some say I'm being too frugal, some make jokes about "where ya gonna eat lunch today?" but that's OK. I am still breathing and my belly gets just enough to get me to suppertime. It may be a little extreme to only go to McDonalds vs. Burger King...but now it is a habit and part of my daily routine. The window workers would miss me and miss the little chuckle they get when they see me at the drive through. Hey, a gals gotta do what a gals gotta do right?

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