Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back to the Track

i'm exercising by crackie. by myself or with others...i don't care. my weight is steadily creeping back up to where i started this past Christmas. i would expect it too because i haven't been working out or exercising in a month. i went yesterday by myself and will again today too. my goal is to jog at least half a mile (total) and walk about a mile and a half. it also makes me sleep better, get up earlier, and feel better during the day. i have been so blah and groggy lately and i know that is the reason why. no more i say....no more!

Annette (a lady i work with) and i are going to start a belly dancing class week after next. i have always wanted to because it will be a unique experience (and help with my scandalous dance moves)! I am really excited and can't wait to see how it goes! it is once a week - sunday afternoons. i hope i like it...but knowing me i am sure i will.

i have dedicated one hour on my lunchbreak to studying for the MAT. today i got 40% correct. out of 100% that is. still terrible, but better than the first test. a friend of mine is studying too. she made 28% so i don't feel SO bad :-)

now it is time to start packing for my trip to Maine this weekend. better get to it. then it's off to the track!


1 comment:

Joanna said...

I need to exercise! I am up 3 lbs in a week!