Thursday, July 31, 2008

Second Letter

I GOT INTO GRAD SCHOOL! Waaaa hooooo! :-) Now, I must meet with my advisor. Sweet, sweet, sweet escape!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I want to kiss whoever discovered the "Dollar Menu"

Can you guess what this is? This is my lunch. E-v-ery day. Some think it is strange that I eat a snack wrap *grilled w/ honey mustard* for lunch. C'mon it's just $1 and it's not that bad. Admitting that it is delicious is a little far-fetched. But, my savings account thanks me for it. A weeks worth of lunch is $5 opposed to $24 for ordering a combo of McDonalds menu. AND the saved calories. Some laugh, some say I'm being too frugal, some make jokes about "where ya gonna eat lunch today?" but that's OK. I am still breathing and my belly gets just enough to get me to suppertime. It may be a little extreme to only go to McDonalds vs. Burger King...but now it is a habit and part of my daily routine. The window workers would miss me and miss the little chuckle they get when they see me at the drive through. Hey, a gals gotta do what a gals gotta do right?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Need a New Dress

I attended my first belly dancing class today. It is going to be a very unique experience. My arms and legs were burning! I will continue through this month and will hopefully continue.

I need your help! I must find a fabulous dress. Art on the Rocks is coming up in a few weeks. It is a fashionable night and I must look snazzy. Not over the top. Prom dresses are not welcome. Just something modern and classy. $$Money$$ wise it doesn't need to be outrageous - but it does need to be made from a well-know designer or from a well know store. I would hate to be interviewed and asked where I bought my dress, shoes, and jewlery and have to answer 'ROSS' or 'KOHLS'! So, let me know if you see or think of something hott!


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Aahhhh! Got a Letter in the Mail

I come home from work and check the mail - of course to see if I have been accepted to Grad School. And I see this:

Ok...deep breath. It's not an admissions letter, but it does let me know that they have received my request and it also tells me which pre-reqs I will have to take once accepted.

Not too shabby. Look at all of them A's and B's! :) Well, except for the C in MIS...that was my lazy semester and it was well worth it.

All I will need is 4 hours of science and an ED410 class (Teaching of Reading) to start Grad School. Whew! I was thinking that I may need more. Now I just have to stalk my mailbox for a few more weeks until I receive an acceptance letter!! One step step closer...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My Second Job

This is my 100th post! Whoa. I just realized this.

I also realized that I have a HUGE second job. That my friends, is keeping up the house. You can chuckle all you want to. But this is serious. See what happens when everyone is gone during the day...and droves of people hang out on the weekend...what you are about to witness is not pretty. My second job is a toughie. This beast of a house is ridiculious. Considering that we are fairly clean, and clean up after ourselves DAILY you wouldn't think it would become a big deal. Welp - here is what I get to work with just tonight...

First I must celebrate!

I brought this African Violet back to life using leftover coffee. I wish I had a before picture. It was completely dead. Dead brown flowers and leaves. Now look!

This is the clean laundry

This is the dirty laundry

The room is completely broken in

The jungle

The house is spotless one day. The next a train wreck. There is no such thing as just clean. I had to forgo walking to tackle this.
My brother and I have struck a deal. I will wash and fold his clothes, and he will fix my car! My battery is corroded and it will not start. I thought it may be the starter so I called the car shoppe. Come to find out it would cost $450ish to fix! Dad says that the battery just needs to be cleaned! YES! So, my brother is going to do that tonight. Done deal :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Cobbler is the bomb

How nice it is to have a few off days from work. I actually have a little time to get things done and so things that I love. Otherwise, I don't have a lot of time to enjoy. My friend Jamie brought some pears from her tree. Pears are not a fruit that I just eat to be eating them. They were about to spoil so I decided to make a Pear cobbler! Yuuuum. I have never tasted one, nor attempted to make one before. Well, I did. And it tasted GREAT!

Ok, Ok, so it's not the most beautiful thing in the world. But looks are deceiving. Dont'cha wanna bite?

Recipe: You should know by now that I don't really measure...but here goes...

What you'll need

6-7 pears peeled and sliced

Syrup or Karo



brown sugar



Bisquik mix


Make the fruit filling by adding about 1/2 flour, 3/4 cup sugar, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1tbsp vanilla, a few squirts of syrup and 1/2 cup butter. Mix and add fruit.

Put filling in bottom of a pan in oven on about 375 for 10 minutes

Mix Bisquik according to box. Roll out on floured surface. Cut into strips.

Get filling out of the oven, and layer with strips of bisquick.

Pop in oven for about 30 minutes or until browned.

Add sugar and melted butter on top once out of oven.

Top with vanilla ice cream or pet milk for a tasty treat! Quick, Easy and fun!!

The Closet Studio Design

Inspired by the cluttered disaster of my closet and a day off from work came the idea of doing a makeover! Clutter, clothes, and hangers have always stressed me out. I thought it would be fun to actually design my closet. It is an inexpensive way of creating a getaway and getting organized!

This is the canvas. No form of organization what-so-ever. My clothes are all over the place. No wonder I can never find anything and I want to stay as far away as possible!

Here are my Pizazz tools!

$1 Vinal Tablecloth

My favorite scrapbook cardstock pages

Cute Stickers



3 Woven Baskets

3 Tin Cans

3 Glass Jars

Ceiling Hanger Hooks

Labeling Tags

Metal Shower Curtain Rod

Pizazz Project #1: Picture Box Makeover

Adding Scrapbook pages, ribbon, and labeling tags adds character to the once drab black box.

Pizazz Project #2: Cute Jars - Ribbon always does the trick.

Pizazz Project # 3: Art - Just because I like it!

I found some old picture frames. Inside a put a glittery bird sticker in the center of a scrapbook page and wa-la.

I have a shoe fetish! It is crazy. I ran out of room to store all of my was time for a little creativity. I tacked scrapbook art on my walls. Next, I added wall hooks to hang some of my wedges and heels. And, my stilletos found a new home hanging on hemp string that was hung under my shelving. On the otherside I added my mirror for a backdrop and used an old closet shelf for more heels and it works perfectly.

The metal showerod was used to hang my skirts above the dresser. Hemp string and clothespins hang items that I love, but don't get a lotta lovin' for a display and ease of use. The vinal tablecloth was tacked along the back wall for a pop of color. The nester would be proud of this mis-mistreatment.

A green handbag houses wires, cables, and cords neatly. The picture boxes, tin, and a basket hold odds and ends.

AT LAST! The final masterpiece! The cute jars sit on a white shelf, extra clothes are in the woven baskets, and 'office' supplies are in the tin. Yes, my bras hang on my door - so they are in the way of the picture :)

Before & After Full-Effect

Monday, July 21, 2008

{The Beautiful Maine}

Maine is stunning. A romance novel, a salty body scrub, a mysterious foreign country. These are the words that could almost describe what it is like. The crisp summer air tickles the skin while the smell of seafood hits the senses. People are kind and funny. It is a place of free-spirits that embrace life and enjoy life outdoors. Cargo shorts and thin cotten shirts keep cover while sporty sandals protect the feet. The European style shopping centers are quaint, and in between shops you can peek at the sea where yahts and kayaks drift into the sunset. The air is thick with folk music and laughter. Seagulls fly above off the shore. It is fairly quiet and peaceful and the streets are not completely full. The thunderstorm this particular weekend brought the rain, but it was welcome. The bars are full of happiness and home-brewed beer as people talk about how wonderful life is. Northern accents are everywhere sprinkled with a few thick Boston words. Lobster is abundant and floating restaurants atop boats invite views of sailboats and tugboats alike. Lighthouses send a historic message about U.S. coastal defenses and are very beautiful....

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


im sneezing. i went thrift shopping today after work in hopes of finding something of value - or at least potential value. instead, i came out empty handed. this is unusual for me because i always find something that i love. now i have a runny nose for nothing. all the dust kicks up my allergies.

after my shopping venture i came home, opened a glass of rose (e with an apostrophe above) wine, and cooked spaghetti and meatballs. it was delicious. plenty was left over for tomorrow (which is nice).

next on my nightly agenda is to finish packing for my trip to Maine this weekend. all i need to do is to find my neutral colored pair of pumps - besides the morning necessities (makeup, hair supplies, etc). my camera is charged and i'm ready to roar.

i am exhausted tonight. work is draining every ounce of energy from me. i just need to get some rest. that's what i'm about to do...i will find my lovely neutral colored pumps tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back to the Track

i'm exercising by crackie. by myself or with others...i don't care. my weight is steadily creeping back up to where i started this past Christmas. i would expect it too because i haven't been working out or exercising in a month. i went yesterday by myself and will again today too. my goal is to jog at least half a mile (total) and walk about a mile and a half. it also makes me sleep better, get up earlier, and feel better during the day. i have been so blah and groggy lately and i know that is the reason why. no more i more!

Annette (a lady i work with) and i are going to start a belly dancing class week after next. i have always wanted to because it will be a unique experience (and help with my scandalous dance moves)! I am really excited and can't wait to see how it goes! it is once a week - sunday afternoons. i hope i like it...but knowing me i am sure i will.

i have dedicated one hour on my lunchbreak to studying for the MAT. today i got 40% correct. out of 100% that is. still terrible, but better than the first test. a friend of mine is studying too. she made 28% so i don't feel SO bad :-)

now it is time to start packing for my trip to Maine this weekend. better get to it. then it's off to the track!


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Inspired Creativity

Oh yes. I just had to. I saw a post from JoJo about her creative masterpiece and decided to do one of my own. The tearing of the fabric truly is theraputic. Check out my ragamuffin garland:

The weekend has been very relaxing and lazy for me. I didn't do a thing...and didn't go anywhere. It was nice. However, I find myself feeling like I had so much time to research and geth things done...but I didn't take advantage of the opportunity. I hate when that happens.

I was able to study again today for the MAT test. I scored 35% this time. Still sucks. I also looked up a list of all apartments in Montevallo - I will be able to call this week and see when I will be able to move in....conditionally if I get accepted to grad school. AND I layed out and cleaned my room. So, it wasn't all a waste.

This coming weekend I will be headed upward to Portland, Maine. We have to manage a seminar there for work. It is not difficult - I went to one in Iowa earlier this year. Worktime is only about 5 hours tops. I will have Friday night and Saturday afternoon/night to check out the great state of Maine. My eye will be on the lookout for Lighthouses and good lobster/crab joints! :-) I have heard that Maine is absolutly beautiful and I think this is a good opportunity for me to see. I would never randomly pick there for a personal vacation that's for sure.

I am going to get to go to the beach toooo! This August for my cousins birthday! I haven't officially taken off of work yet...but I am going to this week. I know it will not be a problem at all. It is going to be nice to get away and see my family. I haven't been in YEARS! And that is just uncool.

Another week is ahead. The antsy Sunday feelings have set in. Boo. I will get to bed early tonight. As they say...early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise! I hope anyway.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Application in the Mail

It is done. I have applied to Graduate school. I sent off my paperwork yesterday on my lunch break. I should know within 2 weeks if I have been accepted. I have been researching more information about what it will be like going to gradschool, finiancial aid, and job options. The excitement was wonderful, but now it has turned into a little anxiety. Truthfully, this will be a major change for me. Student loans are a huge burden and really the only way to make Grad school possible. And LOTS of them too. The long run seems nice though. As I said before, if I could work at the University, I may be able to get financial assistance for school. If not, I will just have to hang on to my bootstraps and jump on the bull!

The University of Montevallo is one of the best education colleges in the U.S. They pride themselves on that. I know that the program is gruesome and all personal time has to be dedicated to school. I think I can do that. In fact, I know I can.

So lots to do before January. Lots and Lots!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wishful Boyfriend Resume

College degree
Potential post frat boy
Dean's List

$50,000 per year - minimum
Willing to travel
Works 8-5

Work Background:
Auto Mechanic or Homebuilding

Brown hair, tan skin, eyes (any color)
Not hairy
Body builder a plus...however, post college physique acceptable
Not afraid to wear shorts and flipflops
Polos and vintage tee's are favs
Jeans can have the rugged look - and wrangers are unacceptable
Owns at least one suit
Boxers or boxer briefs

Follow of Christ
Member of a Church (Morman, Church of Christ, Catholic, & Penecostal not acceptable)
Prayer at mealtime is a must

Golf, football, frisbee, baseball, jogging
Attends all home Alabama games & also attends away games at Tennesee, The Swamp, LSU, and Auburn
Talledega tickets acceptable in October only
Does not like to watch baseball, basketball, golf, NASCAR on t.v
Will throw Superbowl party and football parties for friends
Knows the rules to all American Sports

Rock Climbing, swimming, guitar playing, Fantasy Football (acceptable to a degree), volunteering for helping a good cause (relay for life etc.), going out to eat, tailgating

Political Views:
Republican - and researches the platform before making stupid argumentative comments without not knowing the facts

Comes With:
Ability to know the unspoken relationship rules, cuddling, affectionate comments, calling regularly and answering my phonecalls, messages (with oil and for more than 10 minutes), will pick out chick flicks without begging, interesting conversations, the ability to talk things through without making irrational decisions

Truck with small lift and slightly larger tires or
Jeep Wrangler or
Hybrid (hey, gas is expensive)


OK OK I know that is asking a little much...but it's fun to dream huh? :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The ball is rolling....

So. I have made the first step toward my graduate studies. i have contacted the UofM for information on the masters alternative fifth year program in education. i have printed off all of my application forms, and transcript request forms. i also splurged and bought the MAT study guide. i have been informed that i do not even have to take the MAT prior to being accepted. that's kind of crazy. but i will take it anyway. the lady i spoke with said that the only way i wouldn't get accepted is if my GPA is lower that a 2.5...which thankfully mine is higher. i am really excited and scared at the same time. i have my fingers crossed that i will not have to take many pre-reqs and that the majority of my undergraduate classes will not have to be taken again.

Ummmm. I took the MAT practice test and only got 35% correct (out of 100). That is pitiful. It is very hard. would you like to try some???

1) 0 Degrees LATITUDE: EQUATER :: 23.5 degrees NORTH LATITUDE: (a. prime meridian b. tropic of Capricorn c. middle latitudes d. tropic of Cancer)

2) KAFKA : SAMSA :: CAMUS : (a. Gregor b. Meursault c. The Stranger d. Franz)

3) FIRST ANNIVERSARY: SECOND ANNIVERSARY :: PAPER: (a. Cotten b. leather c. linen d. crystal)

Yeah. and these were actually some of the easier ones.

So, i will be busy trying to figure out how in the hell you are supposed to "learn" analogies.

I am trying to come to grips with the though of quitting a full-time job...making less money...working part-time...affording an apartment...still paying my current bills...and staying on top of graduate level classes. not to mention student teaching towards the end. that is rediculious. but other people do why can't I? I think it can be done. maybe if i just throw myself into the fire it will all work out. that is my plan anyway.

GRADUATE SCHOOL IS EXPENSIVE. $208 per credit hour. Potentially, I may have to take 54 at most. 48-50 is probably what it will take for me to graduate. That totals $11,232 just for classes. Not including books - which by the way are about $150 bucks a piece. and no....they will not give you money back no matter what the bookstore claims. And also parking permits, school fees, parking tickets (yep, i will get many of those), diploma/cap and gown fees....that's all i can think of temporarily. In essence...a huge chunk of change.

This time I would have to put myself through college. Meaning, more student loans I am sure. but, I am certainly not moving forward right now so why not?

we shall see. I am about to fill out my application forms and mail in tomorrow. I will know in 2 weeks if I am accepted :-) Then, I will have one foot closer to teaching cute little elementary aged kids! I am really excited!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Dreams: Narly or Nightmare

i hope everyones 4th of July holiday was sparkly. mine was great. i stretched my vacation time into 4 days. i was able to spend time with my family and friends...and also some one-on-one time with sunlight. i must say that i have a smashing tan :) i just hope it doesn't peel.

i am still eating barbeque leftovers. mainly because i have been spending my money friviously. i have no money at the end of the month...and can not (for the life of me) figure out where all my money is going. i could use the 'played out' statment that my gas tank is eating my money for breakfast. but truly, my mid-day stops to Kohls for some cute flipflops could be the show-stopper. its time to get serious people. i've got to get a handle on this.

as usual, i have large aspirations for myself. i want a new job that pays more money (significant), a cute apartment in Hoover, a boyfriend (well, not really), an engagement ring, and a house on the Virgin Islands that i can retreat to whenver i want. how am i suppose to make all my dreams come true. i'm tired of following my dreams. maybe i should go ahead and do what i want and then meet up with them when i'm ready :)

first step. i have dedicated 1 hour a night to the 'Operation Job Hunt.' I have only found and applied to 3 jobs that i want. all are in the marketing field. that was just yesterday and today. not a lot happening on career builder i must say.

as for the boyfriend potentials...i am just not interested. i finally have gotten to enjoy myself for once in forever...and i like it. not to mention i just do not have the strength to give an iota of 'give a damn' at the moment. i know that all this will come in time.

i have once again considered grad school. this time it is a master's in elementary education. grad school is expensive. however, the idea of quitting my job, waiting tables, and using my savings to pay for school is sounding inticing at the moment. teachers actually make good money these days. 40-45 grand a year, excellent benefits, summers off = the shit.

i am going to seriously look over my budget and savings and give this some serious thought.

until then i am back to my workout routine and enjoying every moment of my life and time with family. our minutes are precious and i am trying to slow down enough to enjoy what God has handed me right now.