Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My First Perspective Apartment

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

After much searching on the internet and racking my brain...I am finally getting serious about finding an apartment! I am excited an nervous at the same time. I am meeting Brian tomorrow to look at my first perspective apartment. This is exciting because it will be the first time that I actually live by myself and pay all the bills by myself. Not that paying bills is's about really making something happen and developing as an "adult" :)

I have lived in an apartment before, but I had a roomie. I am just over that stage in my life right now. Talk about drama. I want to have things and do things that I want to do...whenever I want to do them.
Living with the 'rents has its perks - don't get me wrong. I have been living rent-free for over a year now, and I am starting to feel uncool. I do take care of everything here while Mom, Dad, and Jacob are gone during the week. However, they come home on the weekends. I love spending time with them, but it is time for me to be my own sans complaining, sans responsibility to them, sans drama.
I have to formulate a 'for real' budget tonight along with a list of pertinant questions I have to find out about this place. I wouldn't move their until August. That is the first opening they have an the only one bedroom that will be available.

A part of me does not want to blow money to an apartment because it is not an investment. But the most of me wants to prove to myself that I can do it...and I can do it alone if need be. Ya never know these days.

So, I will be a broke-ass eating pork and beans every night mixed up every once & a while with Raman noodles.

We will see...tomorrow I am going to get to view the place and see if it is even livable. Seeing as it is one of the lowest priced apartments in the area by $100. A guy I work with lives there and I don't hear many complaints...but then again, I don't hear him say much of anything at all.
I am pumped! Can I do it? Is it even feasable? I don't know, but I think it will be such a relief to have my own abode.

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