Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'm Not As Good As I Once Was

Toby Keith said it right. My themesong for today is “I’m not as good as I once was.” So, I finally decided to have a few friends over last night. I had 2 glasses of wine and a brew. We sat around shooting the breeze until 1:30 am! I woke up this morning and felt like living hell. Um, not a wild night by a long stretch. I’m officially getting old, and so is Holder. Holder went to sleep at 9:30 pm. He missed our wildness of sitting around the table reliving stories of our younger, golden years. He woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at the crack, while I woke up as the living dead. I opened my eyes long enought to see SNOW! Yep, the snow was comming down this morning and I didn’t even care. If that doesn’t tell you something, I was feeling rough! B.C. powder did the trick… as did a runny egg and a biscuit that my lovely baby cooked for me! I declared and announced this morning that I am too old to stay up passed 11pm. I think that is my new bedtime. Of course the boys chimmed in “Yeah, and you are also too old for you belly button ring!” What’s up with that? Am I? I hope not, because I don’t like my belly button!

Toby Keith said it right. My themesong for today is “I’m not as good as I once was.” So, I finally decided to have a few friends over last night. I had 2 glasses of wine and a brew. We sat around shooting the breeze until 1:30 am! I woke up this morning and felt like living hell. Um, not a wild night by a long stretch. I’m officially getting old, and so is Holder. Holder went to sleep at 9:30 pm. He missed our wildness of sitting around the table reliving stories of our younger, golden years. He woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at the crack, while I woke up as the living dead. I opened my eyes long enought to see SNOW! Yep, the snow was comming down this morning and I didn’t even care. If that doesn’t tell you something, I was feeling rough!
B.C. powder did the trick… as did a runny egg and a biscuit that my lovely baby cooked for me!
I declared and announced this morning that I am too old to stay up passed 11pm. I think that is my new bedtime. Of course the boys chimmed in “Yeah, and you are also too old for you belly button ring!” What’s up with that? Am I? I hope not, because I don’t like my belly button!

I vowed to Holder that I will take it out the day we get engaged. My belly button will finally get to see the world!

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