Friday, August 1, 2008

New Toy!

I got an iPod. A little behind the times I know. But's very exciting. I went with the iPod Classic so I can downlad movies. The nano is 8g but the classic is 80g. Not a bad upgrade for $50. So, tonight I will be downloading songs.

My friend and I have started jogging and are running in some type of "thon" on August 16. That is just 2 weeks away! I was able to run one mile without stopping today. will be 1 1/2 miles. A lot to do in a little bit of time.

I'm not sure of the details yet. I only know the date. Scary huh?

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Run Forest Run!! : )

I don't have an IPOD! So don't so behind.